Consulting Services On this page you can see content in web tv and you can hear audio problems in realaudio, plus much more... |
M. Salter Associates Inc. This is a group of consultants that have been specializing in acoustics,audio and video since 1975. |
Spectrum Acoustic These consultants specialize in audio contracts for church, sports areana's and concert venues. |
Audiomatica This is a company from Italy that produces audio electronic equipment and also consults with various audio/video companies. |
Phillip LOH - This gentleman specializes in audio systems, music equipment, cd's, etc. Acoustical Design group - Acoustical Design Group are from Mission Kansas, USA and provide consulting services emphasing practical, aesthetic, and innovative solutions that serve the best interests of the client. Acoustical Innovations - Decorator Friendly Acoustical & Home Theater Products & Accessories. Combining the science of acoustics with the art of aesthetics for a complete home entertainment setting. Barron Kennedy Lyzun & Associates Ltd. is an independent acoustical consulting and design firm in North Vancouver. Oxford Audio Consultants Hifi and Audio Consultants from Oxford. Manhattan Audio Consultants Audio repair, installation, design, etc. in New York. Pilchner-Schoustal Designer's and Builder's of recording studios and Listening environments. Acentech Audio and Hi-Fi consultants. Audio and Video systems They have been in business since 1990 and specialize in audio and video. Cutting Edge Audio Group Audio, Video, tech. notes, etc. Dalbeck Audio Labratory Load speaker design,pro,consumer audio. LA Sound co. Professional audio services and production. Lee Sound Design, Inc. Professional Engineering Consulting firm. Sound art Productions Professional audio specialists. Wizdum Audio Audio company based in Chigago. G Prime Limited Based in New York. |
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